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  • Sparking the passions of youth through experiential learning education


    Sparking the passions of youth to keep them motivated and in school is our reason for being !

    “The realization of creative and collaborative projects leads youth to develop skills and competences which will be decisive in their orientation and their employability, as well as in their civic engagement.

    Fusion Jeunesse is therefore not only an educational innovation, but a social innovation whose positive results have been spread over time”

    — Thérèse Laferrière, director of CRIRES (2009-2018), a multi-university research center on successful schooling

    Our mission – and our entire program – is centered around three founding pillars: school perseverance, orientation & employability, and civic engagement of youth, from their entry into school until their arrival on the job market.

    To assess the impact of our programming on youth, we have been working since the creation of Youth Fusion in 2009 with the research community and experts in academic success, child development and social impact.

    During the 2018-2019 school year, with the support of researchers from UdeM and Laval University, and according to the standards of the Québec Longitudinal Study of Child Development (QLSCD), we carried out an evaluation aimed at to scientifically measure the impact of our approach.

    The most significant impacts for each of our three pillars are as follows:
    • Creative awakening
    • Reduced social withdrawal behaviors
    • Improved academic performance
    • Improvement of social skills
    • Confidence in themselves and their talents
    • Comfort in relation to their choice of career or professional field thanks to the program and the mentor
    • Development of entrepreneurial skills and knowledge of technological tools


    • Development of transferable professional skills (communication, interpersonal skills, organization, punctuality)
    • Reflections on ethical, social and environmental issues

    «  J’ai adoré travailler en collaboration avec la coordonnatrice. Le partage d’idées, les échanges avec les élèves, la résolution des problèmes, tout était fluide et agréable en plus d’être très enrichissant. La qualité de mon cours s’est grandement améliorée grâce à ce partage. […]. Franchement, c’est une expérience mémorable  !  »

    – Enseignant, Design d’Exposition, École le Vitrail, Montréal, Québec

    Our reach in 2021 :
    Schools in Canada, France and Senegal
    15 000+ 190+ 500+


    The results show that Youth Fusion has had a transversal impact on the youth’s relationship with himself or herself through self-confidence and creativity, particularly among indigenous youth. With regard to school perseverance, Youth Fusion has a transversal impact on youth by increasing motivation and interest in school.


    «  Canadian Charity Impact Fund  »

    – Charity Intelligence Canada et Success Markets

    Social return on investment: “For every dollar invested in Youth Fusion, there is a return of $16 for the company. This figure allowed us to be named among the TOP 10 Canadian organizations with the most significant impact across the country in 2015 and 2016 (Highest Impact Charity).”


    “Evaluation report of the implementation and effects in 2014-2015 of the ‘science FFL’ and ‘media and cinema’ programs of Fusion Jeunesse”

    – Évalécole

    – Janosz, M., Pascal, S., Priouzeau, M-P.

    “The results in elementary school suggest that students who experience more learning difficulties in class are those who benefit the most from the intervention. This is undoubtedly good news, as it is these students who are most at risk of dropping out of school and dropping out.

    In addition, the results show that the Youth Fusion programs have a significant impact on motivation, the feeling of belonging to the school, the relationship with peers, the increase in grades in French and behavioral engagement in mathematics, especially among at-risk students.”


    “The contribution of Youth Fusion to Quebec schools”

    – CRIRES

    – Thérèse Laferrière, director

    “The Youth Fusion action programs, which stand out from any other intervention with young people in difficulty due to the collaboration between teachers and university students from various sectors, are very effective. Indeed, according to stakeholders, the objective of involving young people in their academic success has been 95% achieved.

    For their part, some 70% of young people say that their participation has helped them move forward, some reporting that they think more about their future, have more desire to obtain their high school diploma, enjoy going to school more, appreciate being in a team more, talk more with others or have more confidence in them.

    On the other hand, 40% of stakeholders say they have observed a reduction in deviant behavior”.

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