Qui sommes-nous ?
Fusion Jeunesse est né d’une idée innovante jamais encore testée au Québec et au Canada: embaucher des étudiants universitaires, à titre de Coordonnateurs de projet, dans des écoles primaires et secondaires pour implanter et soutenir des projets créatifs, motivants et suscitant l’implication active des jeunes dans leur réussite scolaire.
Notre vision
Que chaque jeune concrétise sa réussite éducative en découvrant, cultivant et valorisant ses capacités, avec le soutien de l’écosystème scolaire et de la communauté.
Notre mission
Contribuer à la persévérance scolaire, à l’employabilité et à l’engagement civique des jeunes en implantant des projets d’apprentissage expérientiel innovants qui créent des liens continus entre les milieux scolaires et la communauté.
Youth Fusion is based on an innovative idea that was never tested before in Quebec and Canada: hiring university students as Project Coordinators in elementary and high schools to implement and support creative and inspiring projects that actively engage youth in their academic success.
That each youth achieves educational success by discovering, cultivating, and valuing his abilities with the support of the school ecosystem and the community.
Contributing to school perseverance, employability, and civic engagement of youth by implementing innovative experiential learning projects that create ongoing links between school environment and the community.
Are you looking for a meaningful job?
Do you want to complete your education with an opportunity that will launch your career?
Seize the opportunity now: become a Youth Fusion coordinator!
Tu veux poser ta candidature ? 5 minutes et c’est rempli !
You will introduce youth to entrepreneurship by showing them the daily reality of a business in a field they are passionate about. Through real-life businesses (in their school or community), they are placed in an environment that encourages them to enhance their community.
Comment postuler ?
How to apply?
Veuillez soumettre toutes les candidatures à hmezache@fusionjeunesse.org