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  • Sparking the passions of youth through experiential learning education

    Leadership et saines habitudes de vie

    Leadership and Healthy Living

    Le Festival Éducation du Futur - Virtuel

    Future Education Festival - Virtual

    NB : Les textes publiés dans la galerie virtuelle, accompagnant les œuvres, ont été produits par les élèves et retranscrits ici fidèlement. Il est donc possible d’y retrouver parfois quelques fautes d’orthographe. Merci de votre compréhension.


    Armstrong Public School

    Whitesand First Nation
    Since the beginning of the project last January, the project coordinator has worked closely with one classroom from Armstrong Public school to implement various activities tailored to the students’ interests. For example, they have created a mural in the Youth Fusion room, creating well-being journals, played hockey outdoors and fixed up the rink, getting involved in community clean ups, etc. They also had virtual workshops in their classroom from inspiring mentors, to touch upon different cultural and environmental subjects.

    Whitesand First Nation

    • ÉcoleSchoolArmstrong Public School
    • Centre de servicesSchool authorityLakehead District School Board (LDSB)
    • RégionRegionNord de l'Ontario
    • CohorteCohort2020-2021


    Iguarsivik School

    Iguarsivik School has been the site of so much growth this year. Four animators have worked alongside two coordinators, and have taken on the responsibility of organizing and hosting activities independently! From kareoke nights, to cooking and chatting lunches, and Saturdays at the family house, the animators have shined in their initiative and bright ideas. Thank you Connie, Amilia, Maina-Lucy and Malaiya for making this an unbelievable year, and sharing what you learnt from Youth Fusion as a student, to the ones that follow in your footsteps.


    • ÉcoleSchoolIguarsivik School
    • Centre de servicesSchool authorityKativik Ilisarniliriniq (KI)
    • RégionRegionNord-du Québec - Nunavik
    • CohorteCohort2020-2021

    Innalik School

    Innalik School has been the site of multiple projects this year. Students have explored the topic of bullying through workshops, storytelling activities, and the making of comic strips. A yearbook was created, involving many students and teachers. Sports were played, food was shared, and a beautiful photo exposition was displayed to showcase the work of young artists.


    • ÉcoleSchoolInnalik School
    • Centre de servicesSchool authorityKativik Ilisarniliriniq (KI)
    • RégionRegionNord-du Québec - Nunavik
    • CohorteCohort2020-2021

    Isummasaqvik School

    This year has been full of wonderful activities at Isummasaqvik School! Regular activities such as the arts and media club, the food waste warriors club, and afterschool sports have given students the opportunity to try new things. From going on the land on cross-country skiis, to community women's nights, and storytelling workshops, students have been able to express themselves and spend time together in a multitude of ways.


    • ÉcoleSchoolIsummasaqvik School
    • Centre de servicesSchool authorityKativik Ilisarniliriniq (KI)
    • RégionRegionNord-du Québec - Nunavik
    • CohorteCohort2020-2021

    James Bay Eeyou School

    This year James Bay High School was fortunate to have many projects and activities thanks to the two coordinators involved. For example, in partnership with many teachers, workshops on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission were developed. To these workshops were added several sporting activities such as snowboarding lessons, cross-country skiing trips, and volleyball tournaments. In addition, cooking activities balanced traditional recipes when cooking bannock on the fire, with different dishes and desserts according to the interests of the participants. The creativity of youth was also in the spotlight with sewing and beading workshops. Finally, it was through a workshop on the creation of a curriculum vitae that the two projects were able to hire a student animator to assist the coordinators in their activities and thus increase the range of activities available to students at school


    • ÉcoleSchoolJames Bay Eeyou School
    • Centre de servicesSchool authorityCree School Board
    • RégionRegionNord-du-Québec - Eeyou Istchee
    • CohorteCohort2020-2021

    Luke Mettawaskum School

    This year’s Leadership and Healthy Living project in Nemaska provided an opportunity for students to safely, and regularly gather, outdoors to enjoy activities such as ice fishing with a local mentor, skating, bonfires and more! The youth also participated in a bannock bake-off among other fun heathy cooking activities. Additionally, they explored their talents in music, photography and videography thanks to new equipment such as drones and DSLR cameras and a set of acoustic guitars. Students welcomed the opportunity to gather informally in the student lounge during breaks and at the Youth Center in the evenings.


    • ÉcoleSchoolLuke Mettawaskum School
    • Centre de servicesSchool authorityCree School Board
    • RégionRegionNord-du-Québec - Eeyou Istchee
    • CohorteCohort2020-2021

    Sautjuit School

    Students at Sautjuit school participated in a number of activities this year, including experimenting in video game creation, regular movie nights, afterschool sports, and a very popular photography club! A virtual holiday concert was also organized to spread the joy in a a difficult year. A student art collective was created, and we're excited to see how it grows in the coming years!


    • ÉcoleSchoolSautjuit School
    • Centre de servicesSchool authorityKativik Ilisarniliriniq (KI)
    • RégionRegionNord-du Québec - Nunavik
    • CohorteCohort2020-2021

    Wiinibekuu School

    The Leadership and Healthy Living project in Waskaganish provided stable groups of students with opportunities to cook and share meals together, play sports and do outdoor physical activities like cross-country skiing. The Grad Committee held several successful fundraisers including a catered Easter dinner, a school canteen and a car wash. The project also supported the special education class with weekly activities. Successful in-class activities included an inspiring spoken-word poetry workshop inspired by the inauguration speech by the young Amanda Gorman.


    • ÉcoleSchoolWiinibekuu School
    • Centre de servicesSchool authorityCree School Board
    • RégionRegionNord-du-Québec - Eeyou Istchee
    • CohorteCohort2020-2021

    Willie J. Happyjack Memorial School

    This year the students of Willie J. Happyjack Memorial school participated in a Leadership and Healthy Living program. For a few weeks now, plants have started to sprout inside the classrooms and each week different groups of students come to take care of them. This gardening activity is accompanied by many artistic activities such as the decoration of birdhouses, painting nights and origami activities to nurture the creativity of the participants. In addition, several cooking activities took place in partnership with a nutritionist throughout the year allowing students to deepen their culinary skills.


    • ÉcoleSchoolWillie J. Happyjack Memorial School
    • Centre de servicesSchool authorityCree School Board
    • RégionRegionNord-du-Québec - Eeyou Istchee
    • CohorteCohort2020-2021
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