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  • Sparking the passions of youth through experiential learning education

    Qui sommes-nous ?

    Fusion Jeunesse est né d’une idée innovante jamais encore testée au Québec et au Canada: embaucher des étudiants universitaires, à titre de Coordonnateurs de projet, dans des écoles primaires et secondaires pour implanter et soutenir des projets créatifs, motivants et suscitant l’implication active des jeunes dans leur réussite scolaire.

    Notre vision

    Que chaque jeune concrétise sa réussite éducative en découvrant, cultivant et valorisant ses capacités, avec le soutien de l’écosystème scolaire et de la communauté.

    Notre mission

    Contribuer à la persévérance scolaire, à l’employabilité et à l’engagement civique des jeunes en implantant des projets d’apprentissage expérientiel innovants qui créent des liens continus entre les milieux scolaires et la communauté.


    Youth Fusion is based on an innovative idea that was never tested before in Quebec and Canada: hiring university students as Project Coordinators in elementary and high schools to implement and support creative and inspiring projects that actively engage youth in their academic success.


    That each youth achieves educational success by discovering, cultivating, and valuing his abilities with the support of the school ecosystem and the community.


    Contributing to school perseverance, employability, and civic engagement of youth by implementing innovative experiential learning projects that create ongoing links between school environment and the community.


    • Description du postePost description
    • Conditions
    • ResponsabilitésResponsabilities
    • ExigencesRequirements

    Youth Fusion offers a wide variety of programs. This job offer is specific to the Leadership and Healthy Living as well as the Elementary Engagement programs. These programs provide students, respectively in high school and elementary school, with opportunities to occupy leadership roles in their school and community ecosystems through a variety of activities and projects. The program engages a holistic approach to wellness by offering programming related to cooking, sport and physical play, and relationships with oneself and others. Supported by the project coordinators, this program seeks to foster engagement at various levels by promoting youth-driven school and community initiatives, as well as mentorship opportunities. 


    To learn more about the other programs offered by Youth Fusion, please consult the following link. 

    Duration of employment 
    • Contractual position, from SEPTEMBER to JUNE.
    • Possibility of renewal.  
    • Must remain in the community for the duration of the contract. However, flights will be provided by the employer to/from Montréal for a holiday break in December, and one in the Spring
    • 37.5 hours/week
    • $20/hour
    Per diem 
    • $200/week (Nunavik) and $150/week (all other regions)
    • If the Coordinator already lives in or close to the community, they will be eligible for a rent allocation (with some exceptions)
    • If the Coordinator has to relocate for the position, accommodation will be provided (possibility of sharing with Youth Fusion colleagues or teaching staff). Unfortunately, we are currently unable to provide housing for dependents and spouses.
    Other benefits 
    • Coverage of costs for internet and telephone.
    • Transportation to and from the community provided when applicable
    • Opportunities for internship recognition.
    • Coordinators traveling to communities may be required to get tested for Covid-19 prior to departure, in addition to a quarantine (up to 10 days) 
    • Attend the Youth Fusion pre-departure and ongoing training ; 
    • Create, organize and lead engaging activities for elementary or high school students; 
    • Fill-out and submit timesheets, and expense reports every 2 weeks; 
    • Manage a budget for the project and the material inventory; 
    • Communicate with Youth Fusion and the school principal on a weekly basis; 
    • Communicate and collaborate with school staff as well as external partners in the implementation of projects, activities and special events; 
    • Take part in phone calls every two weeks with Youth Fusion coordinators from the same program; 
    • Survey students and local partners to get feedback about activities;
    • Submit a mid-term and final report, including a full list of activities and participants. 


    • Must have experience working with youth; 
    • Must be able to take initiative and work independently; 
    • Motivation, leadership persistence, flexibility, communication skills, vision and creativity are essential; 
    • Office Suite (Teams, Word, Excel, PowerPoint); 
    • Indigenous individuals with a combination of relevant skills, life experiences and interests will be strongly considered.


    • Be a university student or graduate in a relevant discipline; 
    • Experience working in a cross-cultural context; 
    • For non-Indigenous applicants, knowledge of Indigenous cultures and traditions and/or experience working with Indigenous communities and individuals.


    • Spoken and written English; 
    • Spoken and written French is an asset; 
    • Written and/or oral knowledge of an Indigenous language is an asset.


    • Verification is required to work with a vulnerable clientele. This check is done when hiring. 


    *If you have a work permit with this clause: “Not authorized to work in 1) child care, 2) primary or secondary school teaching, 3) health services field occupations.”, unfortunately, we cannot consider you for the position, as the job is in the teaching field. In order to be able to work with us, you have the possibility, with a medical examination, to have this clause removed. Do not hesitate to contact us to continue the process if this clause is removed from your work permit. 

    *Full vaccination against COVID-19 is mandatory for this position (the organization will however adhere to its duty to accommodate those who are unable to be fully vaccinated for a reason related to a human right protected ground) 


    Comment postuler ?

    How to apply?


    Fill out this online form with the position(s) or region(s) you are interested in, your contact information, cover letter and cv highlighting any relevant work experience. If you have any additional questions, you can contact us at applications@youthfusion.org. 

    Seuls les candidat.e.s qualifiés seront sélectionné.e.s et contacté.e.s pour des entretiens. Fusion Jeunesse et Robotique FIRST Québec sont des employeurs garantissant l’égalité des chances et nous sommes heureux d’assurer un processus d’entrevue confortable pour tous le(s) candidat.e.s
    Restez informé.es de
    nos offres d'emplois !
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